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Wednesday, September 28, 2005

The Open Timber Roofs of the Middle Ages / Raphael and J. Arthur Brandon.

This 1999 reprint of the original 1849 publication is a detailed study of the four main church-roof styles of the Middle Ages:

- Tie-beam roofs,
- Trussed-rafter roofs,
Hammer-beam roofs, and
- Collar-braced roofs.

The illustrations in The open timber roofs of the Middle Ages, many of which are full-page and some include colour details, are highly detailed drawings of open timber roofs, often with cornice and decorative details and measurements. The authors were architects who "...visited many of our remaining specimens, and selected for illustration those roofs which appeared most worthy of remark, as well as for the excellence of their framing and design, as for affording specimens of the various methods of construction; of these we have have furnished geometrical and perspective drawings from careful admeasurements, in every instance taken by ourselves; we have also accompanied them with such remarks and comments as we think may be serviceable, the more fully to explain them." (taken from preface)

The open timber roofs of the Middle Ages can be found on the shelves at NA 2900 .B8 1999


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