
"...introducing the latest additions to the College of the Rockies Library."

Monday, April 24, 2006

How to thrive as a teacher leader / John G. Gabriel

John G. Gabriel explores the responsibilities and rewards of teacher leadership, offering practical, positive advice on:

- identifying leadership qualities and building a team
- enhancing communicatin and earning respect
- overcoming obstacles and implementing change
- energizing colleagues and strengthening morale
- improveing student and teacher achievement.

From back of book.

How to thrive as a teacher leader can be found on the shelves at LB 2806.45 .G33 2005

Friday, April 21, 2006


My time on Biblioblog has come to an end. I'll be leaving the COTR today for a head librarian position in Stettler, Alberta.

Do stay tuned, though! Barbara Janzen, Public Services Library at COTR will be keeping the blog alive.


Writing science fiction and fantasy / Crawford Kilian

Whether you're writing science fiction or fantasy, your basic theme is power and how to use it. Your plot is always a political one: who should have the power and on what terms? Maybe your heroes pay a high price for their power; maybe they abandon their power for the sake of love.

If power is your basic theme, your story - whether a 500-word short-short story or an epic trilogy - is anecdotal evidence for your particular mythic vision of the world. As a writer of science fiction or fantasy, you tell the reader how your imaginary world works in human terms, what kinds of values best inspire good behaviour, what kids of hazards and personal flaws can subvert such behaviour. Your story may take place in a guady world of demons and elves or on the satellite of a giant planet 50,000 light-years from here - but it is still a comment about the here and now.

From back of book.

Writing science fiction and fantasy can be found on the shelves at PN 3377.5 .S3 K54 1998

Thursday, April 20, 2006

The big picture : education is everyone's business / Dennis Littky with Samantha Grabelle

What is education? What kind of people do we want our children to grow up to be? How can we design schools so that students will acquire the skills they'll need to live fulfilled and productive lives?

This book is for both big "E" and small "e" educators:
- For principals and district administrators who want to change the way schools are run
- For teachers who want students to learn passionately
- For college admissions officers who wnat diverse applications with real-world learning experiences
- For business leaders who want a motivated and talented workforce
- For parents who want their children to be prepared for college and for life
- For students who want to take control over their learning.. and want school to be interesting, safe, respectful and fun
- For anyone who cares about kids.

The big picture can be found on the shelves at LB 14.7 .L58 2004

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Writing books for kids and teens / Marion Crook

Whether picture book or novel, fiction or nonfiction, writing for a young audience is about creating a vibrant connection with the children who read your book. To enable young readers to plunge into the world you create, you need a grounding in the fundamental elements of a children's story and in the craft of writing.

Writing books for kids and teens will teach you how to:
- Determine which age group to write for
- Develop believable characters
- Discover what motivates your characters
- Write the first line - and the first chapter
- Research settings
- Write realistic dialogue
- Use conflict and tension in your story effectively
- Work turning points into your plot
- Crate intimacy with the reader
- Banish writer's block
- Submit your manuscript to publishers
- Deal with criticism
- Promote your published book

Writing books for kids and teens can be found on the shelves at PN 147.5 .C76 1998

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Personal health : perspectives and lifestyles / Patricia A. Floyd, Sandra E. Mimms, Caroline Yelding

Personal health : perspectives and lifestyles emphasizes the individual's personal responsibility for wellness by presenting general (core) and current health information to guide decision making. The focus of the text is to present health topics, including cultural, racial, ethnic, and gender diversity, identify risk factors, and give students useful and sensible suggestions to reduce their risk for preventable diseases and conditions in order to achieve optimal levels of wellness for themselves, friends, and family.

Filled with practical advice, stimulating discussion questions and self-assessment exercises, this text take an applied approach and empowers students to take control of their own health. Concentrated emphasis on health issues as they relate to various cultural differences make this text one of the most up-to date resources for health-related culture, gender, ethnic, and age issues.

From the publisher.

Personal health : perspectives and lifestyles can be found on the shelves at RA 776 .F56 2003

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Marketing : an introduction / Gary Armstrong et al.

Three years ago, a company decided to make it in the backseat of a cab... and a brilliant Canadian marketing effort began. In fact, TAXIGUY is just one of the many fascinating marketing stories you will read about in Marketing : an introduction.

This book invites you on a journey toward understanding the fundamentals of marketing in a clear, easy-to-understand way that is grounded in the perspective you need to succeed in today's economy: total customer value and satisfaction.

From back of book

Marketing : an introduction can be found on the shelves at HF 5415 .A75 2004

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

From standards to success / Mark R. O'Shea

From lesson planning to professional development programming, From standards to success provides you with a thorough guide to realizing the promise of standards-based education. Discover the Standards Achievement Planning Cycle and how it helps your school

- Identify and analyze which standards are most important
- Select curriculum materials and resources that align to standards
- Provide instructional planning time and strategies for teachers
- Create a benchmark-testing program
- Design professional development that prepares teachers and administrators for new roles and responsibilities

From the publisher

From standards to success can be found on the shelves at LB 3060.83 .O84 2005

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Secure project [kit] : older adult sensitivity program

This program has been designed to provide first-hand experience on how older adults may be facing life's challenges of aging.

Each Master Kit includes:
- A CD with five videos that walk you through the program
- A virtual training manual with notes for those that want to teach the program
- Slides illustrating functional and organic brain disorders and vision loss concepts
- Handouts that go along with exercises in the program

Plus, five individual kits with:
- Glasses to simulate common eye problems in older adults: glaucoma, macular degeneration, stroke, cataracts and yellowing of the eye lens
- One pair of arthritis simulation gloves and a sewing kit (for the manual dexterity exercise)
- A laminated number card
- Prescription bottle with "pills"

The secure project kit can be found on the shelves at HQ 1061 .S43

Monday, April 10, 2006

B.C. Binning / Abraham J. Rogatnick, Ian M. Thom, Adele Weder

A celebration of the life and work of Bertram Charles Binning, one of Canada’s foremost artists, architectural innovators and arts educators—a seminal figure in the flourishing of the arts in British Columbia.

Artist, educator, and architectural innovator—Bertram Charles (B.C.) Binning was all of these. From the early 1930s through the mid-1970s Binning was at the forefront of West Coast modern art, architecture and arts education. He is perhaps best known for the groundbreaking design of his Modernist home, which has been recognized by the Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada. Built in 1940, the Binning residence captures the spirit of early Modernism in Canada. Binning is equally well known for his lively line drawings and his geometric, non-figurative abstract paintings that often reflect his fascination with boats and maritime activity.

From the publisher.

B.C. Binning is located on the shelves at N 6549 .B545 R63 2006

Friday, April 07, 2006

Lippincott's manual of psychiatric nursing care plans / Judith M. Schultz, Sheila L. Videbeck

This book contains 54 psychiatric care plans that help address the most commonly encountered behaviours and complexes in mental health nursing. It is designed to enhance nursing effectiveness and improve communication with both clients and members of the care team.

Lippincott's manual of psychiatric nursing care plans can be found on the shelves at RC 440 .S3317 2005

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Community health nursing : promoting and protecting the public's health / Judith Ann Allender, Barbara Walton Spradley

Community health nurses must be ready to provide client education and counselling as well as clinical treatment and crisis intervention.

This 6th edition is designed to give the undergraduate nursing student a comprehensive introduction to the field of community health nursing. It includes these new features:
- Clients with disabilities
- Parish and "street" nursing
- Trans-cultural information and
- Injury management

Community health nursing can be found on the shelves at RT 98 .S68 2005

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Math manipulatives

Curlie tessillations, multi-coloured dice, geometric shapes for overhead projectors and transparent pentominoes are among the math manipulatives we've recently added to the collection.

Most students benefit from visual representations of concepts. Manipulatives can be used to increase exploration possibilities to develop concepts and test hypotheses for students at all levels of ability.

Ask any library staff member for access to the math manipulatives. They will be stored in the graphics lab and may be borrowed for 3 weeks at a time.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Essentials of business communication / Mary Ellen Guffey, Richard Almonte

Being successful in today's technologicaly enhanced workplace requires a solid foundation of written and oral communication skills.

New features of the 5th Canadian edition include:

- emphasis on new technology
- expanded focus on oral communication skills
- updated documentation coverage
- sample business letter collection
- new discussion about plagiarism.

Essentials of business communication can be found on the shelves at HF 5718.3 .G84 2007

Monday, April 03, 2006

Beyond words : reading and writing in a visual age / John Ruszkiewicz, Daniel Anderson, Christy Friend

The world we live in is full of words and images that invite us to pay attention to them. Beyond words challenges us to look beyond reading and composing in words alone. At the same time, Beyond words demonstrates that traditional forms of reading, writing and rhetoric can illuminate the new kinds of texts we encounter and create every day.

Beyond words provides a framework for reading words and images and presents a comprehensive set of composing tools to help writers create engaging essays as well as new kinds of texts.

Beyond words can be found on the shelves at PE 1413 .R88 2006