
"...introducing the latest additions to the College of the Rockies Library."

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Rubbish! : dirt on our hands and crisis ahead / Richard Girling

We have two plans for dealing with the waste we produce:

A) chuck it in a hole, or
B) dump it on someone else's doorstep.

This story takes us from the first human bowel movement to the littering of outer space to spam e-mails.

Waste is a badge of affluence, but our innovative systems of dealing with waste are now crumbling into waste themselves. We are past the point where Reduce, Reuse and Recycle is enough. We must find a way to deal with this fast-ballooning catastrophe.

Rubbish! can be found on the shelves at TD 796.7 .G57 2005

Monday, January 30, 2006

Angel wing splash pattern / Richard Van Camp

Richard Van Camp celebrates northern life in Angel Wing Splash Pattern. This Dogrib author shares an honest portrait of contemporary northern life North of 60 in the stories:

Let's beat the shit out of Herman Rosko!
Why ravens smile to little old ladies as they walk by
The uranium leadingfrom port radium nd rayrock mines is killing us
The night Charles Bukowski died
Sky burial
Snow white nothing for miles
My fifth step
How I saved Christmas

Angel wing splash pattern can be found on the shelves at PS 8593 .A5376 A75 2001

Friday, January 27, 2006

The psychology of gender / edited by Alice H. Eagly, Anne E. Beall, Rovert J. Sternberg

To what extent does gender influence our behaviour, thoughts, and feelings? How do "nature" and "nurture" interact to shape our identities as female or male? And what are the effects of gender on the ways we are perceived and treated by others?

It is generally believed that we fall into one of two categories of gender: male or female. But a small proportion of the world are born intersexed and placed in the category of male or female without consideration for the continuum between the two categories. Being perceived as either male or female has a profound impact on how individuals are treated, what they expect of themselves and how they lead their lives.

The psychology of gender can be found on the shelves at BF 692.2 .P764 2004

Thursday, January 26, 2006

The psychology of stereotyping / David J. Schneider

The psychology of stereotyping examines issues of stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination. It provides a comprehensive and definitive study of stereotyping, concentrating on the harmful aspects of sterotypes, their connection to prejudice and discrimination and effective strategies for countering them.

Schneider refers to stereotypes as "the common colds of social interaction - ubiquitous, infectious, irritating, and hard to get rid of." He also addresses how stereotypes can be positive - as a means of navigation in this complex world.

The psychology of stereotyping can be found on the shelves at BF 323 .S63 S36 2004

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Way out west : on the trail of an errant ancestor / Michael Shaw Bond

In 1862, William Fitzwilliam,Viscount Milton and his friend Dr. Cheadle, set out to travel across what is now western Canada. Not only did they want to explore the possibilities of a usable land-route through the Rockies to the Cariboo goldfields, but they craved the adventure an untouched land could provide. They endured cold, starvation and many near-fatal accidents but did make the trip from the Red River Colony to Victoria. Upon returning to England, they wrote the book The North-West Passage by Land about their trip.

Nearly 140 years later, Viscount Milton's great-great-grandson retraced their steps, hitch-hiking, horse-back riding and walking. Near Prince Albert, he searched for the
descendants of the Aboriginals who helped Milton and Cheadle survive their first winter. Way out west is Shaw's discovery of the trail, his ancestor and himself.

Way out west can be found on the shelves at FC 3205.4 .B65 2001

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Death talk : the case against euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide / Margaret Somerville

Death is an inevitable part of life and until the last few decades, we spoke of it as part of our religious practice. Today, euthanasia allows us a new context in which to speak of death.

One school of thought on the topic of death believes that when you pass your "best before" date, you should be checked out as quickly, cheaply and efficiently as possible.

Another school of thought believes that we should explore the mystery and meaning in death and that by legalizing euthanasia we would not have the ability to find the meaning in death. This is the stance Margaret Somerville takes in Death talk : the case against euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide.

Death talk can be found on the shelves at
R 726 .S64 2001

Monday, January 23, 2006

The truth about stories : a Native narrative / Thomas King

"Stories are wondrous things. And they are dangerous" asserts Thomas King in The truth about stories. King explores stories, how they are told, whether oral or written, how they shape who we are, help us to understand one another, and how storytelling comes with moral and social responsibilities.

King writes this book with events from his own life, as a child in California, as an academic in Canada, as a Native in North America and as the oldest member of an amateur basketball team.

The truth about stories can be found on the shelves at PR 9199.3 .K4422 Z477 2004

Friday, January 20, 2006

The legacy of school for Aboriginal people : education, oppression, and emancipation / Bernard Shissel & Terry Wotherspoon

Education has been designed to serve the mainstream and as a result, Aboriginal students have often been pushed aside. From the early residential schools specifically designed to eliminate Aboriginal identities to present day, young Aboriginal people have been unable to find sources of self-esteem in educational settings. The legacy of school for aboriginal people has been written to help understand the educational aspirations and realities of Aboriginal people in Canada.

The legacy of school for aboriginal people can be found on the shelves at E 96.2 .S34 2003

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Design outlaws on the ecological frontier

Design outlaws on the ecological frontier is a compilation of interviews with over twenty of the leading designers and architects from the award winning film Ecological design : inventing the future. Chapters titles include:

Into the Fuller Universe
From a Machine for Living to Living Machines
The Intelligent Use of Energy
The Galactic Explorer Perspective
The Emergence of an Ecological Design Art
The New Collective Dream
Writing the New Codes
Toward a Design Curriculum for the 21st Century

Design outlaws on the ecological frontier can be found on the shelves at NA 2542.35 .D47 1997

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Discounted labour : women workers in Canada, 1870-1939 / Ruth A. Frager and Carmela Patrias

Between 1870 and 1939, during the growth of industrial capitalism in Canada, many women joined the paid workforce and began their struggle for fair wages and access to better jobs. Discounted Labour takes a historical look at the inequality of women in the paid labour force, examines why women became confined to low-wage jobs, why their work was considered less valuable than men's, why women lacked training, job experience and union membership and how women have fought against the gender division of class and the sex-segmented labour market..

Discounted Labour can be found on the shelves at
HD 6099 .F72 2005

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Abducted : how people come to believe they were kidnapped by aliens / Susan A. Clancy.

How could anyone believe, or want to believe, they'd been abducted by aliens? Susan Clancy interviewed and evaluated "abductees" from many backgrounds and argues that abductees are sane, intelligent people who have created false memories for a variety of reasons.

Written in a witty, non-academic style, Clancy suggests that the belief that one has been abducted by aliens has a much deeper cultural significance.

Abducted can be found on the shelves at BF 2050 .C56 2005

Recommended by Bill Goss.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Physical fitness & wellness / Jerrold S. Greenberg [et. al]

Table of Contents
Preface. (including Acknowledgments).
1. Physical Fitness, Health, and Wellness.
2. Assessing Your Present Level Of Fitness.
3. Behavioural Change and Motivational Techniques.
4. Principles of Exercise.
5. Exploring Cardiorespiratory Fitness.
6. Improving Muscular Strength and Endurance.
7. Flexibility.
8. Nutrition.
9. Exploring Weight and Fat Management.
10. Stress Management and Physical Fitness.
11. How Chemicals Affect Physical Fitness.
12. Exploring, Preventing, and Treating Exercise and Physical-Activity Injuries.
13. Preventing Heart Disease, Cancer, and Other Diseases.
14. Women And Physical Fitness.
15. Designing a Program Unique for You: Physically Active Lifestyle for a Lifetime.

Physical fitness & wellness can be found on the shelves at RA 781 .P525 2004

Friday, January 13, 2006

Imagine a day / Sarah L. Thomson ; paintings by Rob Gonsalves

The surrealist images of Imagine a day encourage parents and children to look beyond the limits of the everyday world and imagine...

Imagine a day when you can dive down through branches or swim up to the sun.

Imagine a day when you forget how to fall.

Imagine a day when you don't need wings to soar.

Imagine a day can be found on the shelves at PZ 7 .G5873 2005

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Aboriginal education : fulfilling the promise / edited by Marlene Brant Castellano, Lunne Davis and Louise Lahache.

Education is a promise of self-determination to Aboriginal people - to regain control over their lives as communities and nations. Education will instruct the people in ways to live long and well, respecting the wisdom of their ancestors and fulfilling their responsibilities in the circle of life. This book talks about Aboriginal philosophies in teaching methods, program design and institutional development.

Aboriginal education occurs in an intensely political terrain consisting of homogenizing pressures of a globalizing society making it increasingly difficult to maintain the distinctiveness of Aboriginal culture.

Aboriginal education : fulfilling the promise can be found on the shelves at E 96.2 .A25 2000

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Mixed beasts : or, a miscellany of rare and fantastic creatures / compiled by Professor Julius Duckworth O'Hare, Esq.

The Rhinocerostrich, the Octopussycat and the Bumblebeaver are some of the rare creatures presented by Professor Julius Duckworth O'Hare, Esq. in the beautiful compilation entitled Mixed beasts. With the assistance of illustrator Wallace Edwards and writer Kenyon Cox, Professor Julius Duckworth O'Hare brings the magic of these wonderful creatures to be viewed by you and I. Look closely... the natural habitat of these animals is fantastic and should be closely observed.

Mixed beasts can be found on the shelves at PZ 8.3 .C83 M5 2005

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

City angel / Eileen Spinelli ; illustrations by Kyrsten Brooker

Follow a day in the life of a City angel as she protects and comforts the city she loves, plants seeds, sings with the street musicians, rides a skateboard, cares for a homeless man and welcomes the newborn zebra at the local zoo.

The beautiful illustrations are a blend of oil paint and collage and artist Kyrsten Brooker splices real objects into her pictures.

City angel can be found on the shelves at PZ 8.3 .S7575 C5 2005

Monday, January 09, 2006

Igniting the sparkle : an indigenous science education model / Gregory A. Cajete

Dr. Gregory Cajete is an educator, practicing artist and educational consultant. In Igniting the sparkle, Cajete synthesizes and explains a holistic approach to education that has been practiced by Native people for thousands of years. He carefully contrasts this with the modern Euro-American educational process and shows how the two perspectives can be integrated for the betterment of both. He blends the science concept of Indigenous People with that of contemporary people and even provides models which exploit the best of both approaches for use in educational settings.

Igniting the sparkle can be found on the shelf at S 912 .C35 1999

Friday, January 06, 2006

Dying justice : a case for decriminalizing euthenasia & assisted suicide in Canada / Jocelyn Downie

In Dying justice, Jocelyn Downie provides an up-to-date and comprehensive review of significant developments in the current legal status of assisted death in Canada. She then examines the reasons for making the decision regarding assisted death. Downie believes the right to refuse treatment and requests for assisted suicide and euthanasia should be respected if they are made voluntarily by informed and mentally competent individuals. Downie proposes to permit some assisted suicide and euthenasia but argues that strict criteria should established to be met in the treatment or non-treatment of patients across the country.

Dying justice can be found on the shelves at KE 3654 .E87 D69 2004

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Hannah Waters and the daughter of Johann Sebastian Bach / Barbara Nickel

Governor General Award finalist 2005

Catharina Bach and Hannah Waters live three centuries apart but their lives entwine like the melodies of the Concerto for Two Violins. Catharina is moved to sing but is unable to even speak to her father while Hannah tries to play the Concerto for Two Violins by heart as her mother said they'd do together one day even though her mom died three years prior.

Catharina and Hannah reach across the centuries to one another to draw strength and solace from each other as they make sense of who they are and the tragedy they share.

Hannah Waters and the daughter of Johann Sebastian Bach can be found on the shelves at PS 8577 .I3 H35 2005

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

The Crazy man / Pamela Porter

After a freak farming accident which leaves Emaline permanently disabled, Emaline's dad blames the beloved family dog, shoots it and walks away from the family farm in Saskatchewan. In an effort to keep the family farm operating, Emaline's mother hires a man from the local mental hospital to work their fields.

Emaline acknowledges the Crazy Man's illness, but together they work on healing physically and emotionally despite the town's prejudice. This story is narrated by Emaline in short lines of free verse.

The Crazy Man can be found on the shelves at PS 8581 .O7573 C73 2005

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

The highwayman / Alfred Noyes ; with illustrations by Murray Kimber

This modernized, film-noir interpretation of Alfred Noyes The Highwayman is one in a series of classic poems illustrated by contemporary artists. Although the modern images of a motorcycle placed alongside the poem's "tlot-tlot" of the horses hooves are difficult to reconcile, the darkness and violence portrayed by both this 1907 poem and the modern images are sure to capture the imagination of teen readers.

The Highwayman can be found on the shelves at
PR 6027 .O8 H5 2005